Greetings All,
As most of you are already aware, IAPS is in the process of building the world's first (and largest) all-residential vpn networks. We have already accomplished this in more than 22 countries so far. We will continue to add to this throughout 2015.
The point of this email is to make a request from each and every one of you:
There are some countries where it is not possible to obtain residential servers professionally. In these cases we generally make a deal with normal folks where IAPS will provide you our services free of charge for life as long as you host of our servers in your house on your residential internet connection.
I understand that this may seem like a lot to ask, but its really simple and doesn't require a whole lot on your end. Basically what we ask for is a simple laptop or desktop computer that can be left running and connected to your local internet service provider 24 hours a day. It doesn't matter if the connection is plugged in directly to the router or it is a wireless network. Either way works and either way is totally acceptable.
We only need a virtualized piece of the laptop or desktop computer, not the whole thing. We would isolate our tiny server from your computer and activities entirely. The IAPS section would have no direct interaction with the rest of your computer and if you wished to continue using your computer normally you would have the option of doing so. But we ask primarily that the laptop or desktop that you let us use for this project remains primarily unused on your local end to provide the best possible connectivity for our server.
An IAPS technician would do the complete server setup and maintenance for this server, so none of you folks need any technical knowledge whatsoever. It takes around 2 hours to do a setup like this and if you take our offer, you always have the option to watch the setup procedure live as its happening, or you can choose to walk away and let us take care of it. We will be using a form of virtualization and a Linux Debian operating system.
Some folks have expressed a concern over who will be allowed to access this server and what kind of traffic will be sent over the networks. Let me address this issue now - the folks that will be permitted access to these servers would be normal folks like you, folks that we've done business with for years, folks that like to legally stream tv services but they are outside of their home countries and are restricted in what they can watch. These are not devious clients and they will respect your network because if they do not strictly conform to the IAPS terms and conditions, we will immediately terminate access permanently. I strictly believe in appropriate network behavior and will not tolerate any form of abuse on my networks, or yours.
If you physically live in any of the following countries, have a spare laptop or desktop computer with at least a 5 mbps network connection speed, and would like to take part in our offer, please get in contact with us:
United States
United Kingdom
Isle of Man
We prefer cable lines over dsl as cable connections primarily have a static (non-changing) ip address which is easier for our dns mapping. If you are interested in our offer, or would like a discussion for more details, please respond back directly to this email, or talk with me on skype: iaps_support
Thank you for your time and helping us in our quest for the world's first all-residential networks.
Jared Twyler
Chief Executive Officer
IAPS Security Services, L.L.C.
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