This is a statement for all vpn provider review sites, affiliates, and vpn resellers:
During the last quarter of 2014, and going into 2015 and the future, IAPS Security Services, L.L.C. is changing the game of normal vpn providers as we are switching over to residential internet service providers and pulling out of traditionl data centers that are easily recognized as server farms.
During the course of nearly 8 years now, we've seen numerous examples of vpn surfers being blocked by gaming sites, national tv streaming sites, forums, communities, social networks, poker sites, etc, etc. We believe the answer to this is providing these surfers with residential ip addresses and residential vpn's, remote desktops, and sshv2 tunnel services.
If a network administrator of a gaming website or a tv streaming website can only see a residential ip address from the surfer, then blocking that surfer is not likely to happen.
As pioneers in this industry, as something like this has never been offered before by public vpn providers, we'd like to take this opportunity to invite our vpn review sites to test our residential networks. Our residential vpn networks, remote desktops, and sshv2 tunnels are comprised of the following:
Andorra (Residential ISP: Servei de Telecomunicacions d'Andorra)
Argentina (Residential ISP: Gigared, S.A.)
Brazil (Residential ISP: CTBC / Algar Telecom)
Canada (Residential ISP: Bell Canada)
Chile (Residential ISP: GTD Internet, S.A.)
China (Residential ISP: China Telecom)
Costa Rica (Residential ISP: Radiografica Costarricense)
Hungary (Residential ISP: Invitel Tavkozlesi Zrt.)
India (Residential ISP: Tata Communications)
Israel (Residential ISP: Bezeq International)
Italy (Residential ISP: Telecom Italia)
Italy (Residential ISP: Tiscali)
Italy (Residential ISP: KPNQ West Italia)
Mexico (Residential ISP: Iusacell)
New Zealand (Residential ISP: Voyager Internet, Ltd.)
Norway (Residential ISP: Altibox)
Panama (Residential ISP: Cable Onda)
Romania (Residential ISP: RCS & RDS)
Singapore (Residential ISP: Tata Communications)
Slovenia (Residential ISP: Tusmobil, D.O.O.)
South Africa (Residential ISP: Mweb)
Taiwan (Residential ISP: Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.)
United Arab Emirates (Residential ISP: Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Co.)
These are the networks we have acquired so far, with new ones being added on a weekly basis. We fully invite our reviewers to complementary test accounts so they can have a more personal experience to share with their readers and potential clients. We also offer affiliate options as well, at 25% of each clients total purchase price, with recurring options available.
If you are a vpn review website owner, vpn reseller, or looking for an affiliate deal for the world's first residential vpn networks, please use the following contact information to get in touch with us:
Skype: iaps_support
Thank you for your time today. :)
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