Friday, March 17, 2017

A Common Sense Guide for Facebook Ad Account Farmers

Jared's foreword: I wrote this article in the beginning of 2016 as a general guide for creating and managing massive amounts of facebook ad-ready accounts. This generalized guide is just a best-practices article and each fb farmer can take from it what they desire. 

Written and Compiled by: Jared Twyler
Chief Executive Officer, IAPS Security Services, Ltd.

This facebook ad account farming tutorial is based on a best practices scenario. It is by no means an exclusive or guaranteed road to success, but rather a collective guide based on several conversations I have had with multiple professional facebook ad account farming clients as well as common sense guidelines that I have also thrown in myself after a decade of being a network administrator and vetting my own clients. This is by no means an exclusive guide, but every attempt was made to include the most relevant information possible.

1.) Step 1: Never use gmail, hotmail, yahoo, or other free mail providers. These mail services have long been played out and they do not make you look professional at all. Take the time to setup some of your own domains, host them in various jurisdictions around the world (if you plan on farming hundreds to thousands of accounts). The domain your running your email accounts through does make a difference. Continuing to use free mail is not a good idea.

2.) Step 2: Disposable phone numbers: A very good majority of facebook farmers get a one-time disposable phone number per account, use it once and then throw it away. This is a bad idea. The cost of a disposable number is very low, so its not a good idea to get rid of them so quickly. At another point in time facebook may decide to call that number again to either re-verify the account, or to inquire about suspicious activity on the account. If you've already gotten rid of that number, you just threw that account away needlessly.

Best Phone Number Source:

3.) Step 3: Profile Types: I have heard from numerous professional farmers that creating mobile profiles far exceeds the success rate of normal computer-made (think dekstop/laptop) accounts. There is a handy professional level tool out there called BlueStacks Tweaker 3.1 that can simulate any mobile phone produced in modern times. This is the tool you will need for your computer to create hundreds to thousands of mobile profiles. Once you create a mobile facebook profile, you will need to keep it this way and never switch it. Google that piece of software to find it.

4.) Step 4: Remote Desktops: Believe it or not, remote desktops (clean ones) are critical in this venture. A lot of marketers try to cheat this by creating multiple browser "profiles" or incognito browsers. This is not nearly as good as you think it is. Look at the sheer logic behind it: 100-1000 accounts all created in the same city with the same browser version and string as well as the same exact operating system. How well do you think thats going to work on facebook? Not any more. Facebook isn't that stupid. A fresh remote desktop (using an end-user operating system like Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1, and 10, and NOT server operating systems like Server 2008 or 2012. Using server operating system based remote desktops, like those used through Amazon's cloud services is just a retarded and very stupid way of farming and it will get you caught up. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but rest assured it will come. It is very important that you use end-user operating systems on your remote desktops. Do not just solely depend on simple browser-addons to do this for you.

5.) Step 5: IP Addresses: At least 98% of you are still depending on data center ip addresses. Yes, they may have worked in the past, but they rarely do now. What worked last month won't necessarily continue to work. If you are a serious farmer, you should only be using residential class ip addresses. Why farm an account for a few months only to lose it eventually because you used a data center ip address? Long-term farmers already know they value of residential ip addresses and it is a best practice scenario if you plan on being a successful farmer. Investing in your farm early is the best key rather than chancing it, putting in the time and the effort to farm it, and then lose your accounts to something as retarded as using a data center ip address. A popular myth amongst most farmers that deem themselves "experts" is the belief that an account can only have a single dedicated ip address for the life of an account. This is purely an old wives tale and just a myth. It simply isn't true and doesn't fit into reality, as most devices connected to the internet these days are mobile devices and their ip addresses change several times a day, either when we connect to wifi spots or when being mobile and jumping from cell tower to cell tower. So having multiple ip's per day doesn't pose a significant risk to a farmers accounts.

6.) Step 6: Location: Try not to create accounts in cities you know are already saturated by other marketers. These locations are commonly: Miami, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, New York City, San Jose, Philadelphia, basically all the top 20 major metropolises in the United States. Medium sized and smaller cities serve the same purpose and yield the same power as the major cities do, but are not saturated like the major ones are. Too many marketers in the same cities is just not believable.

7.) Step 7: Payment Methods: This is the trickiest section of all. The best payment methods are generally credit/debit cards from real banks that are local to the city where the facebook account was created. PayPal is the alternative method, but its not recommended at all as its not feasible to be able to create thousands of PayPal accounts. Its possible, but many folks don't have the resources for it. So stick to locally issued credit/debit cards when possible. It is highly recommended to stay away from pre-paid cards as most are easily recognizable for facebook security analysts.

Common sense plays a large role in this. Think if the role was reversed and you were the facebook security analyst. What would you be looking for? How easy would it be to spot a farmed account? If you can think of possible ways, so can they. And they are trained to spot them. So if you think there is a weak link in your setup, there just might be.

For those of you that can't seem to do the work yourself and depend on bots to do it for you, re-think that strategy as well. Its very easy to time in milliseconds what a user has done. Automated bots do things such as posting, uploading, browsing, friend requests, etc all in fractions of seconds. Any facebook systems designed to watch this can spot your bot a mile away. Although time consuming, it is always better to do it by hand. Its your job as a farmer to take care of your farm by manually farming it, not by trying to take short cuts. Your short cut could be your downfall.

Planning Ahead - This is a critical thing to do. Pick your niche and stay within that niche. Make sure your normal daily activity, your postings, your links, and most other things that you post about pertain to your future marketing niches. If the site you plan to promote in the future is based on flowers, then stick to flower topics on your normal postings, talk about gardening and nurseries, etc. Do not get off-topic and links that you post normally should point to the website that you intend for advertising in the near future. This is how you build up trust with facebook.

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