Friday, March 3, 2017

The Rise of Residential VPN's & Online TV Services

For those of you living abroad, or those of you that do not pay for cable and watch all your tv shows and movies online, this post is specifically for you.

Since the earliest days I can remember in this industry, IAPS started out with tv streaming services that utilized the SSHv2 protocol. Back in 2008 before the official tv providers platforms became fancy and complicated at the same time, it was a far more simpler matter to use the SSHv2 platform (supported on the backend through Linux Debian and Ubuntu systems) to stream all of our online tv content. We could easily pop a data center proxy ip into our browsers and easily get our content instantly.

Those easy days are now long gone. Far more complicated methods are now utilized to do the same thing. Gone are the days of a low-resource SSHv2 platform and a single data center ip that multiple clients could use simultaneously and stream for days on end without issues. Today's online streaming tv platforms are smarter, more complicated, and now require residential ip's to bypass ip filtering to weed out data center ip addresses. Streaming online media, whether its live tv channels or recently-aired programs now consume 100 times the amount of bandwidth that it did back in 2008 whereas HD (high definition) consumes the largest amount of bandwidth.

The tv companies have produced far more complicated platforms now and have increased their security triplefold in the last 10 years. But third party company (your vpn, proxy, and remote desktop) providers are always hitting back to defeat the latest security measures put up by tv content providers through the use of specialized routing, dns maneuvers, and the now-trending usage of pure residential ip addresses.

Although residential vpn's and remote desktop services are not cheaply produced when combined with both high class backend server hardware and the mounting costs of obtaining residential ip addresses and enough bandwidth to create a satisfactory streaming speed, the cost is well worth it when compared to getting sub-standard pirated content through torrent sites and illegal streaming sites filled with potential viruses, trojans, and massive advertisements. You run many risks when visiting sites like that, instead of the official tv content providers streaming platform which is guaranteed to be virus-free and high quality in both streaming structure and platform quality.

When you are physically located outside the tv content producers licensed region, it is always better to use a residential vpn or remote desktop to obtain the correct geographical ip address rather than risking it with an illegal streaming site or the virus filled torrent sites. The cost of purchasing a residential service is much lower than the cost of repairing a damaged computer due to viruses, malware, and ransomware. This is something all individuals need to consider when researching the appropriate places to get the streaming content that they are seeking and evaluating what course of action is best for them.

The IAPS line of residential vpn's could be an appropriate option for your streaming content needs. If you are located outside of the geographical licensing area for the streaming media content that you would like access to, you can have a look at the jurisdictions our residential vpn's are located in here:

IAPS Releases Dedicated IPv4 Verizon Proxies

This notice is to let the world know that IAPS has begun releasing Dedicated Verizon IPv4 Residential Proxies . This is based on the http/s...